Membership Information




Membership is open to the residents of Sun City West who hold a valid recreation card. Dues are $20 per year and $5 to rent locker space. New members pay a one-time fee of $10 for a required name badge.  When you decide to join Stained Glass Crafters, you will receive training and orientation conducted one-on-one or in small groups with an experienced instructor. The cost of this training is dependent upon the experience level of the new member. The instructor will make an assessment at the time of training.

The Stained Glass club is open to all club members.

When do we meet?

Various social events are held during the year to include invitations to spouses and guests.

Regular Meetings

The Club’s general membership meetings are from 11:00 to 12:30 on the fourth Thursday of January, April, September and the fourth Wednesday of November at the Palm Ridge Recreation Center.

For 2023, the dates are Thursdays, January 19, March 28, and September 21, and Wednesday, November 15.

What else do we do?

A biennial “glass house” tour is held to showcase the work of our members.

Silent Auction – Over the year, the club receives donations of glass and other stained glass supplies. Silent auctions are held periodically to allow club members to bid on the items. The proceeds go to the club to help subsidize events and club purchases.

Social Events

At a minimum, 2 events are scheduled each year in December and in the Spring for socializing outside the club workshop.  The club often schedules field trips, carpools to glass suppliers, and member home open houses.

Where can you buy our creations?

Our works are displayed in the Library and in the display case at Palm Ridge Recreation Center. Stained Glass members may choose to make their creations available to the public at the Del Sol Gallery hosted by PORA on  Camino Del Sol. There are also Craft Fairs throughout the Community and at local shopping centers. Many of the displayed items are for sale so inquire within those locations.

COVID-19 Restrictions

Information noted above is based on normal operations during COVID restrictions please contact the club for new information.

How Can I Join?

Anyone who is a member of the Recreation Centers of Sun City West, Inc. is welcome to join the club. When you become a member, you will be entitled to attend our regularly scheduled meetings, receive club newsletter via email and attend the social functions of the club. To become actively involved in this club and to enjoy its privileges, a number of responsibilities and obligations need to be fulfilled.  The instructor will prepare you to practice the craft in the studio.



The novice will attend approximately 10-12 hours of training that include:

  1. Instruction in the basic techniques of copper foil method to complete a project in foil with solder (not glass caming).
  2. Learn the safe and proper use of equipment in the studio.
  3. Receive instruction on monitoring responsibilities.
  4. Receive a copy of our Safety Regulations and Members Guide.
  5. Be informed of personal costs for supplies and tools not supplied by the club, approximate cost of $160.

The previously trained will attend a two hour session and be willing to:

  1. Demonstrate to an instructor that you can meet the level of our novice class.
  2. Demonstrate techniques in foil and solder.
  3. Display a knowledge of tools and equipment.
  4. Receive instruction in monitoring responsibilities.
  5. Receive a copy of our Safety Guidelines and Members Guide.
  6. There is a fee for this two hour session, approximately $60.


Effective January 2023

Annual Membership Cost $20.00.  

New member name badge is $10.  

Annual  Locker Space Cost: $5.00  

Annual membership requirements: active members are required to monitor 4 times per year and utilize the club a minimum of 10 times.