We will be holding a New Members Orientation at the club on Valentine’s Day starting at 4 PM. 

The purpose is to showcase all the wonderful things that club members do and for the new members to mingle with those of us who have been here for a while.

Demos of various aspects of our craft will be performed.

We are asking members who can, to bring in a sheet of glass to share with the new member.  There is a bin located at the monitor’s desk for this purpose.  Please put your name on the glass and identify the glass as Art Glass or Fusible with the COE number.  This way the new member will seek you out to say thank you, and in the process meet a new person.

With or without glass donation, the sign in sheet will be at the monitor’s desk to let us know how much food is needed.

Training and certification is mandatory on some of the club’s more specialized equipment.